So, you want to start playing golf – but you may be asking yourself, “Where do I start?” Beginning golf as an adult can be intimidating, but it doesn’t have to be! In this article we will give you some useful tips and resources to help you get started.

Golf is a great sport because it is something you can play from 9 to 90, so if you are just getting started as an adult, don’t fret! You have lots of time to learn the game of golf and play it successfully for many years.

Don’t be Intimidated

There are several reasons golf can be intimidating to get into. You may feel that your peers are already advanced in the game, and you don’t want to play catch-up or embarrass yourself. Also, the etiquette of the game could be unfamiliar and the rules can be confusing. Lastly, the barrier of all that equipment can be daunting.

All these can be overcome! Let’s find out how.

How to Get Started in Golf

Phone a Friend

Ask a friend who is good at golf, or at least familiar with the game, to help get you started. Most people love to help and would be honored to be an “expert”. Ask your friend if they would start by going to a driving range together and hitting a few balls. You can ask about their clubs, what they use for each shot, how they got started, if they took lessons, etc. Get some of that basic knowledge and plan for your next playing opportunity.

If you don’t have a friend who golfs, Golf Digest has a great series from Nick Clearwater that takes you through five starter lessons. This series takes you through driving, hitting shots off the ground, putting, greenside shots, and bunker play.

Watch Golf on TV

Many people who are trying to learn a new language listen to it on TV to get a sense of context and vernacular. Watching golf on TV can be similar. Having a golf game on in the background while you are doing other things around the house can really help you pick up on the language used as it relates to the game. It can also help familiarize you with the rules of the game and the etiquette of the course.

Start on Driving Ranges and Minicourses

A driving range is the perfect place to start to get a feel for the clubs and the mechanics of hitting the ball. Minicourses, also known as a 9-hole courses are usually a Par 3 and are not as taxing as a full 18-hole golf course. Minicourses are shorter and easier making them a perfect place to start for beginners. We recommend Wildcreek and Canyon Nine at Somersett. These are the main Par 3 courses that we have here in the Reno and Sparks area.

Find a Local Beginners Group

Many local golf clubs will have a beginner’s golf club that encourages new players. Check with some of the public courses to see what is available. Some of the public courses around Reno and Sparks include Washoe, Wildcreek, LakeRidge, Rosewood Lakes, Canyon Nine, Red Hawk, and Sierra Sage.

Also TMCC offers a Golf for Beginners course at Red Hawk Golf Club in Wingfield Springs. There are co-ed courses and courses for Women Only that run from July through October in 5-week sessions.

What should I do about golf equipment?

A major barrier to getting into golf is the greens fees and the equipment. Don’t go buying an expensive set of clubs before you know if golf is even something you like. Back to trying it out with a friend – ask if you can use their clubs while you are playing together. You can also ask to borrow a set of clubs from a friend if you are going out separate from them. If you want a low investment, look online for a used set of clubs. This can be a perfect place to start and get used to the various clubs before you invest further.

If you want to learn more about the various clubs and what they are used for, Golf Digest has a great video series that takes you through the driver, the hybrid, the sand wedge, and the putter. You can see all of these clubs in action and the different scenarios you would use each club.

When should I get lessons or a coach?

When you are just starting out, we recommend that you go through the four tips above to see if golf is even a game you like. It’s a good bet that you will enjoy golf, so when you are ready to take it to the next level, sign up for a group lesson or clinic at one of the local, public courses. Group lessons are less expensive, and you can meet fellow peers who are at your same ability level. There are also many performance centers around Reno that can help you with your game and improving your swing mechanics.

Battle Born Health also has a 6-part video series on Golf Mobility. These videos provide exercises to help improve range of motion, flexibility and strength to improve your overall golf swing.

Our Reno physical therapist, Dr. Nicole Lopes has her Level 1 Certification from Titlist Performance and works one-on-one with golfers to improve their game with our exclusive golf packages. She starts with a series of 16 tests and movement analyses that help her identify areas of concern. These could be mobility limitations, weakness, or balance deficits. Nicole will work one-on-one with you to optimize your movement patterns and maximize the efficiency of your swing.

Try Golf Today!

Don’t let being a beginner stop you from trying the timeless game of golf. Try our four tips to get started and use Battle Born Health as a resource as you grow and improve your game. The future you will thank you for it!