In response to the increasing rates of injuries, especially among female soccer players, FIFA introduced the “FIFA 11+” program. Developed in collaboration with the Oslo Sports Trauma Research Center, the FIFA 11+ is a comprehensive warm-up program designed to reduce the risk of injuries. It consists of 15 exercises that focus on strength, agility, balance, and neuromuscular control, all of which are essential for injury prevention. The program is divided into three parts: running exercises at slow speed combined with active stretching, strength and plyometric exercises, and running exercises at high speed.

The FIFA 11+ is unique in its structured approach, requiring about 20 minutes to complete. It’s intended to be performed before every training session and game, ensuring that players are consistently preparing their bodies for the demands of the sport. This consistency is crucial, as the repetitive nature of soccer movements—such as cutting, jumping, and pivoting—can lead to overuse injuries if players are not properly conditioned.

Research on Injury Prevention

Extensive research supports the effectiveness of the FIFA 11+ in reducing injuries, particularly among female athletes. Studies have shown that teams that regularly implemented the program experienced a significant decrease in injuries. One large-scale study involving more than 4,000 female youth soccer players found a 30-50% reduction in injuries among those who adhered to the FIFA 11+ program. The most significant reductions were seen in non-contact injuries, such as ACL tears, which are particularly prevalent among female athletes.

The program’s success in reducing injury rates is attributed to its emphasis on neuromuscular control, balance, and strength—key factors in preventing the types of injuries that commonly occur in soccer. For example, the plyometric exercises in the FIFA 11+ help improve landing mechanics, reducing the risk of ACL injuries, which are often caused by poor landing techniques or sudden changes in direction.

Dr. Danielle Litoff, DPT works with the McQueen Girls Soccer team in Reno to train them using the FIFA 11+ program. This program has been embraced at various levels of the sport, from youth leagues to professional teams, making it a valuable tool for promoting long-term athlete health and performance.

FIFA 11+ Strength Training

There are six Strength Training exercises in the program and each of the six has three levels of progression. So as a coach or physical therapist, you can work with your athletes to build strength throughout the season to help prevent injury.

Exercise 1: Plank Progression

The first in the FIFA 11 series is “The Bench” or a plank. First level is to hold the plank strong. Second level is to alternate leg lifts while holding the plank. Level three is to hold static with one leg raised and then switch.

Exercise 2: Side Planks

The second in the FIFA 11 series are Side Planks. First level is to hold the side plank strong with hips lifted high. Second level is to lower the hip and lift with control. Level three is to lift the top leg then switch.

Exercise 3: Hamstring Progression

The third in the FIFA 11 series is a Hamstring Progression. You will need your team to partner up for this one. Have a partner hold the ankles of the active participant as they get into a high kneel, lean forward and hold until they fall out of it. To increase the difficulty, have your players do more reps as they get stronger. Start out with level one at 3 – 5 reps, level two, 5 – 7, and level three 7 – 10 reps.

Exercise 4: Balance Progression

The fourth exercise in the FIFA 11 series is Balance. First level is just standing on one leg holding the ball and then switching. Second level requires a partner, each standing on one leg and then they will toss the ball back and forth. Level three has those same partners come together, balancing on one leg, then trying to push each other off balance.

Exercise 5: Squats and Lunge Progression

The fifth exercise in the FIFA 11 series are Squats and Lunges. First level is to do 10 squats, coming up and onto your toes, lifting your heels after each one. Second level is a walking lunge for 10 on each side. Level three needs a partner – have your players go onto a single leg, using each other for support, then go down to a squat really slow and come up fast.

Exercise 6 of 6 – FIFA 11 Strength Training – Jumping Progression

The sixth and final exercise in the FIFA 11 series is Jumping. First level is just vertical jumping – jumping high, landing soft and watching the knees. Second level is a lateral jump. Level three is a box jump: forward, land on two feet; side, land on two feet; back, land on two feet; back to start, land on two feet. Make sure your players are paying attention to the alignment of their knees the whole time!

FIFA 11+ Running Exercises

Reno physical therapist, Dr. Danielle Litoff, DPT works with the McQueen girls soccer team to train them using the FIFA 11 program. In this video, the players demonstrate the running exercises. When coupled with the strength training portion of the program, FIFA 11+ has been shown to reduce injury by up to 50% in female soccer and basketball athletes.

Additional Resources

Download a complete PDF of the FIFA 11+ program HERE.

To watch a comprehensive 10-minute how-to video of the program, check out this video from E3 Rehab.

The FIFA 11+ program is a scientifically validated, practical approach to injury prevention in soccer, with a proven track record of success, particularly among female athletes. By focusing on strength, balance, and neuromuscular control, the FIFA 11+ program not only helps prevent injuries but also enhances athletic performance, contributing to the overall success and well-being of soccer players.