The Body Blog2022-08-10T20:00:41-08:00

The Body Blog

Are you ready to FIGHT?

COVID-19 shelter in place. Wear a mask, social distancing, hand washing. We are being given the information of how to hide from this disease, I want to give information on how to fight. I am not saying to throw all this very important information out the window by any stretch. Please follow these guidelines but realize we are only being given information how to hide, how to avoid, NOT how to fight. At some point we will all be exposed to this virus, at that point how will you fight? Our immune system is complex. First line of defense is [...]

“The Repeat Offender”

Is a repetitive motion causing your pain?A common concern my patient’s share with me when discussing the history of their injury is “I’m not sure what caused my pain, I can’t remember doing anything to injure it, I’m not doing anything new or different.” Oftentimes the patient is frustrated because they didn’t expect their pain to linger for this long, hence why they have come to see me. Soon after the above statement I often will hear “I’ve had some pain off and on in the past (back/knee/shoulder or some other body part), but it would always go away in [...]

What/ where do you want to be January 1st 2020?

How do you imagine your New Year’s Day to be? Waking up with a hangover or a food coma? Or maybe waking up with relief and/or regret that the holidays are over? Or wake up feeling just as good or even better than you do now? The holiday season is supposed to be fun and time for joyous congregation. But unfortunately for many, it can turn into a frenzy of parties, food gluttony, increased drinking, decreased sleeping, poor attempts at self-care, and feelings of unworthiness and lost expectations. Not to mention all the family dynamics that seem to magnify 1000 [...]

Feeling Fat and Frustrated

Are you a woman between the ages of 35 to 55 who feels fat and frustrated? Do you have more anxiety than you’ve ever had and it seems like everyone is driving you crazy? Maybe you’ve tried everything from dieting, exercising, and yoga to a 6-week transformational program, but nothing seems to work. You’ve given it everything you have and you are still not able to have the energy, body, or life that you dream of. Believe me, I’ve been there and I know how you feel. I was almost 40 years old and found myself nearly 30 pounds [...]

Take Time to Rest and Digest

Are you somebody who no matter how healthy you eat or how much you exercise, you still feeling gassy and bloated? Are you wondering why this is happening and why you can’t figure it out? Maybe you are exercising regularly and still having weight gain. It doesn’t matter what you do you’re just not seeing results. You’re probably frustrated and searching for answers. In my practice, what I’ve seen is that so many women are in a state of fight or flight. We have two sides to our nervous system. We have the sympathetic side, which is our fight [...]

Introducing…Fueled to Rise

Do you struggle with symptoms like constipation, digestive issues, bloating after you eat no matter what you’ve eaten? Maybe you struggle with signs of allergies, such as food or seasonal allergies that you've never had before. Do you have skin issues or feel tired and anxious? You find it takes four cups of coffee to get you to wake up in the morning and then you need a glass of wine or more to go to sleep at night. Believe me, I’ve felt like this before. This is my story; I was 37 years old and had just moved to [...]

7 Benefits of Magnesium

Are you deficient? Knowing the signs of magnesium deficiency can make a huge difference in your health and you mood! Here are just a few signs that you may be magnesium deficient: Anxiety Depression Muscle cramps High blood pressure Hormone problems Sleep issues Low energy Low vitamin D Low vitamin K Depression Magnesium is essential for proper brain function and mood regulation. Research indicates that without enough magnesium, you are more prone to depression. According to the Depression and Bipolar Support Alliance , major depressive disorder impacts 14.8 million American adults. In one study of over 8,00 people, researchers [...]

Healing Leaky Gut

You’ve probably heard of the elimination diet, but maybe you’re wondering how you’d ever do this type of diet. There are many reasons for doing an elimination diet. If you have any type of autoimmune disease, thyroid issues, adrenal insufficiencies, or digestive problems like Crohn's, Celiac's disease or SIBO (small intestinal bacterial overgrowth) you might find this diet beneficial. When patients begin the elimination diet, we're really trying to heal the gut. Leaky gut is a digestive condition that decreases the ability to absorb food. When we can’t digest and absorb our food the nutrients don't get to the [...]

Reset… Really do I have to??

I’ve been following a modified GAPS diet since 2015. Starting with the GAPS Introduction protocol in January 2015, and then living the GAPS Full Diet until 2018, when I then began to test the boundaries a little bit. I kept away from gluten and dairy, but did add some rice and organic corn. I was just saying to myself I wanted to add in more of the anti-inflamatory foods I used to focus on. The ones that made me feel so good. Bone broths, homemade soups, ginger tea with coconut oil and honey, fermented foods. Well, I really need [...]

Eating Gluten-free/Dairy-free with FREEDOM – Abroad

My family just got back from a Fabulous trip to the UK! We traveled all over from Manchester to Liverpool, Northern Wales, Yorkshire, York, and ended in London. We were gone for 10 days plus the 2 days of travel. I was so excited to take the kids to Europe. Whenever I have traveled in the last 10 years I get a gut sinking thought of “am I going to be able to eat?” I am so happy to say England/ UK was fantastic! Kudos to all who live there and realize gluten, dairy and food allergies are no [...]

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